From authoring the privacy chapter for the CBA-CLE state tort cause of action treatise, to drafting and commenting on data breach and cybercrime legislation in Colorado, the Law Office of Cassandra M. Kirsch, LLC, has an established record and commitment to enforcing and providing remedies for privacy infractions to both businesses and individuals alike.

Over the last decade, our firm has overseen incident responses and litigation of just about every cyber tort and privacy violation imaginable. From cryptocurrency fraud to corporate data breaches to online extortion to unauthorized disclosure of intimate images, we've pursued would-be cyber criminals and brought them to justice.

The Law Office of Cassandra M. Kirsch, LLC, is dedicated to expanding and bettering cyber security protocols, including assisting businesses in pursuing damages against those who undermined their networks and the individuals harmed by said intrusions. 

​​In our efforts to level the playing field against cybercrime and improve cyber security practices, we offer small and medium business assistance, including data breach incident response, drafting privacy policies, and ensuring regulatory compliance with the Colorado Privacy Act. Targeted support for law firm data breaches and incident response is available to ensure our colleagues in the legal field meet their reporting requirements and duties under the Colorado Supreme Court Rules of Professional Conduct.​

Our philosophy is that a proactive response to privacy violations, incident responses, compliance, and online harassment makes the digital world safer for consumers and corporations alike. 


Providing cyber torts and privacy law remedies and support to Colorado communities in and around Denver since 2016

Call Today: (303) 228-2165